Question Conventional Paradigms. It Can Be A Good Thing And Even Change Some Part of Reality For the Better— An Illustration In Hair Transplantation

Dr Umar
6 min readJul 12, 2019


As a hair transplant surgeon and a content creator, I not only try to inform, educate and empower those who are considering a hair loss procedure but on a much broader scale my hope is to encourage readers/viewers to engage in thinking processes beyond what is already familiar or comfortable to them. Much like traveling to a new destination, city, state or country, the experience, in terms of what we learn and become by it, is worth it in the end. Also, throughout much of life, higher thinking skills are necessary for finding the most relevant solutions and answers that matter for our personal satisfaction and overall well being.

How to Ask Your Own Questions and Arrive at the Best Answers that Matter

To arrive at the best and most truthful conclusions, we have to be able to think for ourselves. And this can often mean venturing outside the box, instead of always coloring within the lines of dogma.

It may, of course, be much easier to taking the path of least resistance by relying on rules espoused by other people as well as conventional assumptions which already exist. But this route may not always lead to the exact answers that we need. I have found this general principle to be the case throughout my life’s work in hair restoration. Standard paradigms are not always true for each and every single case. This has to do with the wide range of variation that exists throughout the universe. And in other instances, standard paradigms may not work because they are based on surface details and don’t account for deeper less obvious truths beneath the surface.

It is perfectly ok to question a given paradigm for yourself if it represents the ultimate truth in all cases. In the end, taking the time explore such answers will help you make better decisions and find more exact answers in unique situations that are important to you. Be honest, and ask whether the information given only seems true because others say so and fervently believe it to be true. Or is it valid based on supportive evidence that you have found? Also, do all the dots connect in such a way that leads to better results for a given context?

So rather than always going with the flow and accepting that the established rules and perspectives held by others, we must instead value the questions that naturally arise in our own minds and seek out their answers.

In this process, we might experience a subtle inkling that there is still information missing. It’s important to trust this feeling. From this, you can ask very relevant questions by making a conscious attempt to articulate what is it that doesn’t quite make perfect sense to you.

“Ask Questions: The Single Most Important Habit For Innovative Thinkers.” —

As you inquire and find answers for yourself, you may discover a different set of truths which can lead to rather exciting new possibilities that could even potentially change some aspect of reality.

I experienced these lessons in my hair transplant work when I observed patients of different ethnicities and started to question conventional explanations about the causes of hair transplant graft transection.

Hair Transplant Graft Transection — Theory Versus Actual Reality

Transection in hair transplant surgery occurs when hair follicle grafts are damaged by surgical instruments while they are being extracted. These injuries can be expected to occur to some extent during a procedure. However, in some cases, transection rates can be much higher than is desired. This may be due to the nature of the extraction technology used, the skill level of the practitioner, or a combination of both.

With the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method which uses punches, general transection has been attributed to the curvature of the patient’s hair. In other words, when using a cylinder-shaped punch, the device can only descend along a straight, angled trajectory. If the hair shaft is straight, the path to the hair follicle is much easier to determine compared to the situation where the hair is curly and bends. In the case of wavy or curly hair, it is more likely that these types of punches will cut through or transect the graft.

Although this seems like a very likely explanation, further questioning through my experience on actual patients of different ethnic groups led to a very different set of conclusions about the primary cause of graft transection.

I noticed that some individuals with very tightly curled hair experienced lower transection rates compared to other patients with more relaxed hair. If hair shaft curvature is the main cause of damaged grafts, then why would this happen?

Upon further investigation, I found that another variable, the thickness of the person’s skin, was far more closely correlated with transection rates, compared to the morphology of their hair shaft.

Individuals with very thick skin, as well as the opposite extreme, where the skin is exceptionally soft would display higher than average occurrences of transection.

This led me to conclude that the standard paradigm which explains graft transection is rather inaccurate. At the same time, I was not only able to develop a new theory, but also to demonstrate its validity by designing my Dr.UGraft ™ technology based on these principles and consistently demonstrating its long term effectiveness on actual patient cases.

Achieving Lowered Hair Transplant Graft Transection Through Intuitive FUE Innovation

I designed my Dr.UGraft ™ punch using a bazooka-shaped configuration, not a general cylinder. This allows the device to meet resistance as it advances into the skin. Patients with varying skin thickness will cause the punch to actually respond and behave differently, creating signals to the operator that would enable them to adjust the speed and torque settings of the punch. Instead of performing through a one-size-fits-all mode, the instrumentation I developed is thus capable of demonstrating an unprecedented, intuitive form of FUE.

with this ability to allow for customization based on the different skin thickness phenotypes of individual patients.

Thicker skin is vulnerable to producing transected grafts because a regular punch would have to sever more connective tissue around the hair follicle unit, making a clean form of removal rather difficult with the potential for damaging the surrounding bulk.

On the other hand, extremely soft skin faces the issue of the punch’s impact actually tearing the protective sheath around the graft.

These issues can be resolved by observing the behavior of the punch at a certain skin depth and adjusting the speed and the torque of the system to prevent damage to the graft. Overcoming risky instances of skin thickness is not only a factor to consider across different patients but also within individuals, especially when it comes to performing extractions on body donor areas, which are much softer than the scalp, such as the legs, chest, abdomen, face, neck etc. Being able to lower the impact of the punch in these regions has been the reason our technology has been able to harvest large donor quantities at vast scale with extremely minimal transection rates.

My practice at the Dr.U Hair and Skin Clinic in Los Angeles proudly showcases our before and after patient case studies through the mediums of photos as well as video content. Whether the donor sources procedures were derived from the scalp and or body, we are able to display an extensive track record of successful outcomes and happy patients, for many types of challenges, many of which were deemed impossible by other clinics.

Not only did we challenge the status quo ideology behind FUE hair transplant graft transections we were also able to generate an entirely new paradigm and demonstrate its effectiveness on numerous patients.

Question Conventional Ideas, Develop Your Own Path and Show the Best Outcomes

Many of us have been taught from early childhood to simply accept the information and rules presented to us at face value. Over time, this becomes a habit of mind that can be difficult to deviate from. We, therefore, have to give ourselves opportunities to think for ourselves. If at the time it feels like we are just trusting the validity of information provided by others, rather than examining the bigger picture to derive a much deeper conviction, go along with this hunch and dive deeper from there. By devoting ourselves to the truth, and not just a need to feel that our opinions are important, we can develop our own decisions and solutions that would make a difference in our own lives, and even the lives of other people.

